

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Obesity, Its Hazards and Cures

high cholesterol

Obesity is the state of absolute neglect to our bodies. It is when you have gone much beyond being overweight and have to now contend with a very serious problem. It takes time to reach this stage and it also takes a lot of time and effort to get rid of this but the more important thing to remember here is that it can be done.

Obesity can be due to a number of reasons:

Genetic disposition

Wrong Diet

No or Limited Exercise

Any other Illness

Eating Disorders, Stress and some of the diseases that arise as a result of being obese are: Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and certain kinds of cancer, osteoarthritis, gastophageal disease, obstructive sleep syndromes, and asthma. Being overweight is a sign of immobility and a poor diet, both of which have are hazardous to our health. Changing these habits of diet and exercise would benefit the person even if the weight remained constant.

More and more children have been found to have the overweight and obesity problem and in children there will be many more health problems at a younger age. These children are in danger of a stroke, heart disease, diabetes and high cholesterol. By the time these children are older they will be fighting against multiple diseases.

Too much of TV, video, computer, snacks, fast food, in other words too much of staying indoors as against walking and playing outdoors seems to be largely responsible for this state. All you need to do is to be just active. Walk, play and fly a kite. Parents need to do this with their children so as to learn to make exercise a daily part of their own lives. Include healthy snacks and avoid sugary or fatty ones. Make your children healthy so that they live longer and better lives so as to avoid childhood obesity.

So changing the diet into an energy-limited diet and ensuring more and regular exercise is included are the keywords here.

A visit to the Doctor is a must for a safe action plan on both the diet and exercise regime to be followed with an attitude of absolute determination to reverse the situation. The Doctor may advise certain drugs, an exercise plan and maybe even surgery.

Obesity surgery is now being used to limit the food intake by reducing the capacity of the stomach. This method is done laparoscopically. Gastric bypass and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding are the two procedures recommended by the US National Institutes of Health. Surgery should be considered as a last resort but maybe the only effective one. There are also the benefits and risks of weight loss surgery. In India, the Apollo Weight Loss Center also does these obesity surgeries.

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