

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hair Loss in Women - Facts About Hair Loss in Women

cause hair

Hair loss in women is an unfortunate reality. Male pattern baldness is different than female pattern baldness. Treatments are different as well because of the different ingredients that affect hormones in both sexes. Causes might be slightly different for women than for men as well.

Differences in Hair problems in Women/ and Men

Hair loss in women appears as over-all thinning of the hair. It also occurs along the area where a part is placed. The hairline in women remains unchanged. Men have a receding hairline and the balding may leave them with hair on the back and sides of the head, and no hair on the top of the head. Hair style changes may help.

Treatments of Hair reduction in Women

Rogaine for Women is a product to stop hair reduction in women as well as men. Natural supplements are an option many women choose because they want to avoid side effects of the prescribed treatments.

Natural treatment for hair problems comes in supplement forms. Some of the ingredients that might be seen in natural supplements include vitamins such as B6 and Biotin; both are B-complex vitamins. PABA (para-amino-benzoic acid) is another B vitamin. It benefits protein metabolism. It is a very strong sun screen and supports healthy intestinal functions.

Minerals that have been known to benefit hair redution in women include magnesium. It helps chemical reactions in the body such as energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and neuro-muscular transmission (communication between the nerves and muscles). It supports good bone structure and hair growth.

Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Hormonal changes in women such as those that occur with pregnancy, child birth, or the use of birth control. Thyroid problems too can cause hair loss in women. Serious illnesses and high fevers can also have that effect. Medications such as those received during Chemo therapy and radiation treatments will cause hair loss in most. Hormonal changes occur in men as well although the causes are obviously different.

Believe it or not how you take care of your hair is also a possible trigger. Washing it too frequently and blow drying it too frequently can result in the weakening of the hair and cause it to become brittle. Combing it when it is seriously tangled or when hair is wet can break hair shafts and literally pull some out. There is some natural loss of hair daily. If it becomes a concern for you contact your physician, s/he can advise you on the best course of action to take. Tying it back too tightly in a pony tail or wearing it up too often also can be problematic.

Stresses can cause hair to fall out. Both physical and emotional stress can cause hair to fall out. Injury, major illness, and a great loss all can be triggers. Any life event that is stressful can be a trigger. Stress can trigger nervous habits that can cause hair loss such as pulling on your hair or pulling some out or rubbing your scalp too frequently may also be a culprit in hair loss.


Hair loss in women can have a great effect on how she may view herself. Hair style changes, wigs, weaves, or hair extensions may help give the illusion of a full head of hair. Prescription treatments are available as are natural supplements to help stop and possibly reverse hair loss.

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