

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hair Loss In Women - Using Traditional and Conventional Medicine To Stop And Re-Grow Hair

hair loss


Hair loss in women is not uncommon among today's women. In fact, about 20 to 30 million women are suffering from hair loss due to various causes, with the main cause being female pattern baldness. To correct this problem, women turn to various cures to stop their hair loss and re-grow their hair. Some turn to traditional medicines and some rely more on conventional medicines, and an increasing amount use a combination of both.

Today studies are finding that a combination of both traditional and conventional medicine are more effective than just using one by itself. In fact, a survey conducted recently found that 60% of households complement their conventional medicine with traditional medicine.

Traditional Versus Conventional Medicine

Traditional medicine is the medicine we used to take before we started focusing on manufactured medicine. This medicine includes such practices as:


Herbal supplements

hair loss


For hair loss, most people turn to herbal supplements to stop this condition and re-grow their hair. One of the main supplements they turn to is Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto has been used for centuries by native Indians to help with urinary problems.

In Europe, it has been found to be an effective DHT Blocker. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is the hormone that causes male and female pattern baldness by blocking nutrients to the hair strand and the follicle. Lack of nutrients to the follicle will cause the hair strand to fall out and the follicle to die. By blocking the formation of the hormone DHT, you can effectively stop your hair loss.

Now conventional medicine is manufactured and prescribed or recommended to you by doctors who practice medicine. It is also known by such names as orthodox or western medicine. Conventional medicines, such as Minoxidil, have been approved by the Federal Drug Administration for use in treating loss of hair.

The way Minoxidil works to stop hair loss is not well-known, but before being used to stop this condition, it was used to control blood pressure. It is believed that Minoxidil allows more blood to get to the scalp, thereby providing more nutrients.


The reason people use both conventional and traditional medicine to stop hair loss and re-grow it is that one, traditional medicine, stops the formation of DHT, the hormone that causes hair loss. The other, conventional medicine, will produce more blood flow to the scalp, allowing for more nutrients to be available to the hair follicle and the hair strand.

1 comment:

Conley Tiffany said...

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