A healthy heart depends on well maintained lifestyle and stress free routine. Getting healthy heart does not require tough exercises or hard-hitting activities, it only involves few simple and easy modifications to your daily habits. You just need to take in strong food every day, carry out trouble-free workouts and follow strain reducing activities. Here are 21 ways to rule and gear up your heart to stay fit and healthy.
Eat to live, do not live to eat.
A little salt is divine, but too much is harmful.
Clean up the oily recipes.
Nature is bountiful, so stay close to it.
Add garlic to your food.
Take a break from hectic schedule.
Keep your buddies (friends, family) close to your heart.
Maintain your weight and sleep adequately.
Lovely kisses, frequent hugs and lots of romance should be part of your living.
Monitor your blood pressure often.
Control diabetes and go for medical check-ups regularly.
Opt for deep breathing yoga and meditation.
For a great heart let’s start dancing.
Avoid coffee, smoking and drinking alcohol.
Involve in some housework. Take this as an extra opening to exercise.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
Laughing anytime will work wonders for you.
18. Go for short stroll between office hours. Avoid sitting for long periods of time.
Make time for breakfast. This is the one feast you shouldn't skip.
Find your happy place and spend good time with your loved ones.
Sip on green or black tea for a good heart.
Besides all these be happy, smile and say to your heart how lucky you are ….Keep moving …. !!!
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