Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve - Health Info, The symptoms of a pinched nerve depending on which nerves are affected. Each nerve is responsible for sending information to or from specific parts of the body. The symptoms most commonly from a pinched nerve are:
* Pain,
* Numbness,
* Tingling, or
* Muscle weakness along the nerve path.
The sensation may be felt like a pinched nerve, for example, the sensation when part of your body has "fallen asleep". Pinched nerve can cause symptoms at the site of damage, or any location further down the path of the affected nerve.
* Pinched nerve in the neck can cause neck pain or stiffness, along with the symptoms down the arm.
* Pinched nerve in lower back causes back pain and stiffness with the symptoms down the leg. The doctor can often identify which terjept nerve in the neck or lower back based on which part of the patient's arm or leg is affected.
* Pinched nerve at the wrist from carpal tunnel syndrome typically affects the thumb, forefinger and middle fingers. It can also cause weakness in grip strength of patients, and atrophy of the muscle of the palm near the thumb. Pinched nerve in the elbow of cubital tunnel syndrome affects the forearms, fingers, fourth, and small fingers.
More Tag: pinched nerve, pinched nerve in neck, trapped nerve in neck, nerve path neck, pinch nerve neck, pinched nerve in the neck, pinched nerve symptoms, pinched nerve neck, pinched neck nerve, pinched nerve picture
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