

Friday, April 19, 2013

Anxiety Symptoms in Children

anxiety symptoms

Symptoms of anxiety in children can begin when they are 18 months old. These anxiety symptoms in children have to be treated as soon as possible to avoid any permanent damage in adulthood.

Your hands grow cold and sweaty and drops of sweat come trickling down from the corners of your forehead. It's time to walk up the stage. So, you somehow do, but your feet, as heavy as a rock, prevent you from getting on the stage. The spotlight pans in on you. And bang!! You are at a complete loss of words and in no control of the situation. This is a typical 'gripped by anxiety' situation. We have all been there and done that. As children, and as first timers, for a lot of things, anxiety is normal. But when this situation becomes recurrent and the anxiety symptoms take over day to day activities in a child's life, it has to be dealt with proper help. Let's understand what are high anxiety symptoms in children, so that you are well prepared in case of doubt.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Is Your Job Making You Sick?

that stress

So a lot of us have been sick of our jobs before. But a new study is saying that many of us are sick in our jobs.

This gist is that lots of employees are feeling stressed--and unhealthier because of it. The research says that one in three workers has at least one symptom of clinical depression; 14 percent is being treated for high cholesterol; 20 percent is taking blood-pressure medication; 41 percent is stressed by work; and one in five workers has trouble sleeping. And, overall, the number of employees who say they're in "excellent health" has dropped from 34 percent in 2002 to 28 percent in 2008.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Health Problems Associated With High Cholesterol

Health problems associated with high cholesterol can range from poor blood circulation to serious and life-threatening diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

High cholesterol may occur from overeating on a poor diet such as high fatty foods, and not enough fibrous foods, as wells as from a lack of exercise. The health problems associated with high cholesterol are numerous, and here is a short list of a few of those health problems...

Poor Circulation

Cholesterol locks onto the walls of the arteries and blood vessels, which slows down and sometimes even blocks the flow of blood completely. A healthy blood flow is necessary in order to eliminate toxins from the body, to keep the body warm as well as to distribute nutrients to all the cells in the body. Thus the whole body can suffer when not enough blood supply reaches the cells.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hair Loss In Women - Using Traditional and Conventional Medicine To Stop And Re-Grow Hair

hair loss


Hair loss in women is not uncommon among today's women. In fact, about 20 to 30 million women are suffering from hair loss due to various causes, with the main cause being female pattern baldness. To correct this problem, women turn to various cures to stop their hair loss and re-grow their hair. Some turn to traditional medicines and some rely more on conventional medicines, and an increasing amount use a combination of both.

Today studies are finding that a combination of both traditional and conventional medicine are more effective than just using one by itself. In fact, a survey conducted recently found that 60% of households complement their conventional medicine with traditional medicine.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hair Loss In Women - The Role Estrogen Plays In Women's Hair Loss

female pattern


With over 30 million American women suffering from female pattern baldness, understanding what causes this hair loss is important for all women. By understanding the reasons for hair loss in women, caused by female pattern baldness, the better a woman can deal with stopping the hair loss and re-growing what she has lost.

There are two things that play a major role in the cause of female pattern baldness, heredity and estrogen.


The biggest cause of both male and female pattern baldness is heredity. It was originally thought that the female passed on the genes that cause male and female pattern baldness to the offspring. This has later been determined not to be true.