Vitamin K is necessary for normal blood clotting and for maintaining optimal bone health. This fat-soluble nutrient is required in only small amounts to perform its important functions in the body, and is not usually recommended as a supplement in large doses. In fact, a healthy diet fulfills the vitamin K requirements of most people.
Leafy greens (Swiss chard, kale, parsley, Brussels sprouts and spinach), broccoli (cooked), cauliflower, liver, soybean oil and wheat bran are all foods naturally rich in vitamin K. Your intake of vitamin K (from diet and/or supplements) should be carefully monitored and regulated if you take anticoagulants or blood thinners, as the therapeutic effects of many of these drugs are influenced by vitamin K.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin K?
Monday, March 26, 2012
Mole Pinto Beans
Mole is a distinctive Mexican sauce that contains chocolate (or cocoa, in this case). You can buy mole mixes but they are usually high in fat. This version is not, and a blender makes it easy to prepare. Instead of traditional turkey or chicken, this recipe pairs mole with creamy pinto beans. Eat it with salad and rice, fresh polenta, whole-wheat tortillas, or use as a filling for enchiladas.
3 large tomatoes, chunked (OR about 2 cup canned, drained tomatoes from a 28-oz. can, or 1/4 cup tomato paste and 2/3 cup water)
1/2 cup vegetarian broth
1 green pepper, seeded and diced
3 tablespoons each unsweetened organic cocoa and roasted sesame seeds (or 1 1/2 tablespoons tahini)
Friday, March 23, 2012
Vinegar May Combat Fat
Maybe the vinegar effect isn't just an old-wives tale.
New research from Japan is lending credence to the age-old notion that vinegar can help reduce fat. Investigators put laboratory mice on a high-fat diet and fed them acetic acid, the main component of vinegar. They put another group of mice on the same diet but gave them water. The mice in both groups gained weight but those on the vinegar "diet" put on significantly less body fat (up to 10 percent less) than the other mice.
The acetic acid may work by turning on genes for fatty acid oxidation enzymes. These genes produce proteins that can break down fats and therefore suppress body fat accumulation. Research elsewhere indicates that acetic acid also may help control blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Does this mean a vinegar diet will help humans lose weight or prevent them from gaining? That's for another study to determine, but you could try dressing your salads with vinegar and olive oil to see if it helps. The Japanese study was published in the July 8, 2009, issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Acupressure Can Prevent Anesthesia After-Effects
Nausea and vomiting are common reactions to anesthesia administered for surgery - up to 80 percent of all patients are affected. A new review of studies involving more than 4,800 patients suggests that acupressure or acupuncture works as well as anti-nausea and anti-vomiting medication to quell these unpleasant after-effects without the cost and side effects of drugs. The technique most frequently used in the 40 studies reviewed was the same type of acupressure wristbands sold to prevent seasickness, travel sickness, morning sickness and nausea related to chemotherapy. The review also showed that sham acupuncture worked 25 percent of the time.
Anti-nausea acupuncture (or acupressure) works by simply stimulating a point on the wrist, which sends a signal to the brain to release neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine or endorphins to block other chemicals in the central nervous system that cause nausea and vomiting. Proper placement of the pressure is the key to wrist band effectiveness. The review was published in The Cochrane Library, issue 2, 2009.
Minimize the Obesity Gene
Children who carry a gene strongly associated with obesity may be able to minimize its effect by eating a diet with low energy density. That’s according to new research from University College London and the University of Bristol, published in the March 4, 2009 issue of PLoS One.
The study, based on data from a sample of 2275 children, suggests people might be able to avoid becoming obese even if they carry the FTO gene, which has been identified as a high-risk gene for obesity.
Dietary energy density (DED) refers to the amount of energy consumed per unit weight of food. A low dietary energy density can be achieved by preferentially eating water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, and limiting foods high in fat and sugar, including desserts and candy.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Acupuncture Charts
Disorders or health problems have become common for people who lead a hectic and stressful life. These problems are on a higher rise due to many reasons like wrong eating habits, no exercise, busy working schedules and many more. These problems can procure slowly but steadily causing some severe health problem like weight gain, blood pressure etc. The health problems can become severe if not taken care of at the right time. However, the medical treatments might cause side effects along with treatment.
Acupuncture is a sure remedy to all the pains and the diseases without any side effects. This is a treatment done by inserting solid thin steel needles into the skin. These needles are sterilized and are labeled for one time use. It involves the stimulation of the pressure points and the anatomical points by using various techniques. The practitioners use a new needle set every time a new patient is treated. These needles come in a sealed pack and are absolutely safe and hygienic to use. It is recommended to consult an experienced practitioner as a wrong treatment may lead to punctured organs or infections. Before starting with the treatment, the infection spot is cleaned with the disinfectant or some alcohol.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Vision Loss Prevention - B Vitamins May Help
While there are a host of vision supplements on the market, the compounds now under investigation that have proven to protect against disease were folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6. Researchers tested the vitamins for more than seven years in 5,205 women who didn't have age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss among seniors. One group of women took the vitamins daily and another group took placebos. Every year the women completed questionnaires that asked how well they were adhering to taking their daily pills and whether they had developed any signs of macular degeneration.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Homemade Hair Masks for Healthy Hair
A groovy hair does wonders for you and your self-pride. Taking care of your hair is in fact the same as taking care of skin.
If your bad hair days last an entire weekend, your hair is not only screaming for attention but is also in dire need of some tender loving care. Don't wait for the weekend to treat damaged hair. There are simple, effective ways (which are not time-consuming) to care for your hair through the week.
If your hair are dry, damage and has lost its shine, you can revitalize it with a homemade hair mask. These masks use healthy ingredients from your kitchen to hydrate and rejuvenate your hair. They are also quite inexpensive and no, you don't have to go hunting for some exotic ingredients either. The solution to your bad hair day lies in your kitchen.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Homemade Facial Packs
Facial Packs
Homemade face mask and packs containing natural ingredients are quick and simple to create at home. In the following homemade facial masks for different type of skins i.e. oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, ageing skin, etc are given.
Homemade facial Packs
For normal skin
Clay Face Pack- For those of you who have normal skin you can make face packs mixing either clay or white kaolin powder along with cornflower, oats and one beaten egg white. A drop of geranium oil should be added to this mix and then mixed well to form a paste, which can be then be applied and left for a few minutes and then washed off. Regular application of this homemade face pack would give you radiant skin.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Homemade Mouthwash Recipe
Mouthwash is a neat little creation. It’s an easy way to feel like your mouth totally clean and fresh in a matter of second. Mouthwash helps to eliminate bad breath and promote overall mouth and gum health. It is not a time-consuming or as difficult as you may think. By making your own homemade mouthwash with ingredients and natural essential oils, can help you to avoid synthetic chemicals, such as dyes, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and anti-microbial agents which are added to mouthwashes.
Homemade mouthwashes will help you to eliminate bad breath and promote overall mouth and gum health.