

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Vatican newspaper disputes when life ends

brain death

For the past 40 years, doctors and ethicists have accepted "brain death" as the official end of life.

But in a front-page editorial Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, says the almost universally accepted definition established by Harvard doctors in August 1968, "contradicts Catholic doctrine," the Telegraph reports.

Prior the Harvard study, the absence of heart beat had been said to define death.

brain death

"The assumption of brain death is in contradiction with the concept of the person according to Catholic doctrine, and therefore in contradiction with the church's directive on persistent comas," the article signed by Lucetta Scaraffia, a bioethics expert, says.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Breakfast At Your Desk: Save a Ton of Money By Doing This

I have an amazing idea for an affordable bring-to-work-breakfast--because we could all stand to save a little more money, right? Read on for the details...

Don't ever spend $2.99 or $3.99 for a breakfast burrito again. Instead, make a huge batch of homemade breakfast burritos and freeze them! I'm planning a frozen breakfast-burrito-making-party this week. Here's what we're going to do:

a. Scramble a big batch of eggs.

b. Saute loads of onions and peppers.

c. Roast up some diced potatoes.

d. Assemble it all into a few dozen tortillas (oh, and let's not forget the cheese!) that I'll wrap up and freeze individually for breakfasts at home or on the go. Just zap in the microwave for 2-3 minutes like you would a store-bought frozen burrito.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cancer: Causes and Effects

human body

Cancer is a man made disease that need not be part of your life. Sensible minded people know not to consume poisons so why are so many of us doing just that.

Cancer has ravaged our western societies for many decades but there was a time not that long ago when cancer was not a part of our lexicon. Cancer is a man made disease caused by the introduction of toxic carcinogens, chemicals, pesticides, food preservatives and a host of additives.

Carcinogens attack the human cells attaching themselves to DNA and either altering cellular metabolism or the damaging the DMA directly. Normal DNA that is damaged and cannot repair itself leads to ‘programmed cell death’ a process called Biotransformation in which the damaged cells harmlessly become water soluble and are flushed from our body. Sometimes damaged DNA in a cell has no pathway and the cell has no choice but to become cancerous. Cancer tumors are formed when normal biological processes are hindered and the normally aggressive immune system is weak or has been weakened.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Breakfast At Your Desk: Roasted Vanilla Orange Juice (Doesn't That Sound Weirdly Good?)

Roasted Vanilla

I've always loved fresh-squeezed OJ in the morning--it's like drinking sunshine. Can it be made any better? I didn't think so. Then I came across this unusual idea for roasted vanilla OJ!

I found this idea over at the beautiful blog Feasting on Art, where blogger and photographer Megan Fizell blends her love of art, food and photography. She creates recipes based on the art she loves (how cool is that). The artist Paul Signac inspired her recipe for Roasted Vanilla OJ--specifically, this painting:

Roasted Vanilla Orange Juice

Recipe by Megan Fizell


4 large oranges

1 vanilla pod

3 cup water

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Benefits of Dog Training A How To Prepare Your Canine Properly.

your animal

In the same manner that infants are taught proper from improper, you'll be able to encourage

and discourage your animals' behaviours with praise or with disapproval, and

the benefits of doing so are immense for both you and your dog. One of the

greatest rewards that canine training can accomplish, is that it cuts away all

of the confusion that might occur between you and your animal. You might be

different species and come from very totally different worlds and there is no

concrete language that may allow you to two communicate. Thus, numerous

confusion is inevitable and sure to happen.

Your dog will typically not understand you and you may really feel annoyed at

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hair Loss in Women - Facts About Hair Loss in Women

cause hair

Hair loss in women is an unfortunate reality. Male pattern baldness is different than female pattern baldness. Treatments are different as well because of the different ingredients that affect hormones in both sexes. Causes might be slightly different for women than for men as well.

Differences in Hair problems in Women/ and Men

Hair loss in women appears as over-all thinning of the hair. It also occurs along the area where a part is placed. The hairline in women remains unchanged. Men have a receding hairline and the balding may leave them with hair on the back and sides of the head, and no hair on the top of the head. Hair style changes may help.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Men and Orgasms

could have

If I had a penny for every time a typical male thought about having orgasms, I could have retired years ago. Any guy will tell you that few acts are worthy of as much attention. These intense moments are given prime mental air time, but most men have no idea of their full orgasmic potential.

Climax is not to be under-rated but the whole thing passes by in about 7 seconds. Surely the divine forces that conceived erotic bliss had something better in mind when inventing the male sexual experience.

Gentlemen, what if you could have more and longer orgasms each time? Doesn't that sound sweeter than Christmas cookies?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hair Loss in Women - Not a Cause for Worry

hair loss

Physical beauty is something that almost every woman desire to possess, that's why beauty products create billion dollar empires. One thing that helps in making a woman beautiful is her shiny and gorgeous hair. This may be the reason why hair loss in women can cause major distress and alarm.

According to statistics, about twenty percent of mature women suffer from at least one type of hair loss. Shedding of the hair is normal. However, you should try to monitor the number of hairs being shed every day. If you're able to note excessive loss of hair, then it's probably time to seek help.

You see, hair loss is already considered a common problem. It may be caused by various factors like stress, hormonal changes, genetics, infections, illnesses, medications, menopause, and pregnancy.